Monday 18 April 2011

Men at Arms by Terry Pratchett

People who read the Discworld novels often say to me: oh the ones with the XXX are the best. It could be the Witches, the Unseen University, the LĂ­brarian or The Watch. They all have their afficianados.

I like the Witches, and I love the Librarian. But the Watch are the boys for me, after reading this one I've finally decided which of the books I like the best: this one.

As usual there is some kind of a story, and as usual there are a lot of puns and references to...well, lots of things (including physics and modern life). I'm sure a lot of them go right over my head - for example, until my recent interest in physics surfaced from who-knows-where, I would have missed just about all the physics references. And as so often on the Discworld, there is mayhem.

I think (I'm probably wrong) that this is the second novel (in publication order) featuring the Watch. The Night Watch and Captain Grimes and Corporal Carrot in particular. And just when I was starting to think that Grimes was the man for me, Carrot got all sexy... oh, and indeed, err, missus.

Putting my finger on just why I like this book more than the others is impossible, and indeed I can't really say why I like reading books that are as chaotic as these, but there it is. Pratchett has a rare talent for story telling and these novels really do grab me from the first page, some less than others but I can't say I've ever put one down and felt disappointed about it.

I'm pacing myself though, and will put off ordering the next one as long as possible!


Anonymous said...

I also like the City Watch books the best. For me it is the interplay between Vimes and Vetinari.

My absolute favourite is Nightwatch but I really like them all. I am given to understand Terry's next book "Snuff" is a Vimes book but not really a City Watch one....

Sho said...

I keep hearing about Nightwatch and can't wait to get there - but I'm absolutely determined to read them in publication order.

But you've put your finger on it. Vetinari and Vimes are a great double act.

Anonymous said...

In "Men at Arms" I particularly like the bit When Carrot does his "bluff" interrogation of the head of the fools guild. Classic!

Sho said...

Oh definitely, the realisation of what he's doing slowly dawned on me and I was grinning so much my OH asked what was up.

hgjules said...

I'm a witches girl :-)

Sho said...

I love the witches too, especially Nanny Ogg, but I just really liked the beat to this one.

But, hanging my head in shame I've totally forgotten that Death is my favourite character, so looking forward to Soul Music which should be on its way to me (thanks, Mum!)

The World Famous M said...

Speaking as someone who knows you, please check your spelling in the main review of "Men at Arms". Captain Grimes! I mean........tut.
And take a cold shower.

Sho said...

eek, sorry!