Saturday, 15 January 2011

Witches Abroad by Terry Pratchett

I am reading Pratchett, Terry's Discworld output in publication order. That means I've read a lot and I still have a lot to go.

Briefly it's humorous fantasy based on the Discworld which is carried on the backs of four elephants who in turn stand on the back of an enormous turtle, A'Tuin, who swims through the universe.


In this one we meet some already well-known characters: Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg and Magrat. They have adventures then they go home.

And it's pretty standard Discworld fare, which isn't to say it's bad or boring. And there are some laugh out loud funny bits, and there are some "roll your eyes when you work it out" references to Earth culture. So for me it jogged along, and being along for the ride with Granny Weatherwax is always worthwhile, although I prefer her sidekick Nanny Ogg (and not only because of her penchant for red boots). But it's not one of my favourites - which tend to feature Death.


Jules said...

I like the witches books, they're kinder on this reader somehow, does that make sense? I do think Death is the funniest character of all and I also like Gaspode the dog. Maybe because he also appears a lot in a Pratchett PC game we used to play.
We've seen Guards!Guards! on the stage and that was good, got me more into the Watch characters.

ophelia payne said...

I really enjoyed all of the Discworld books (I also read them in publication order). Death is my favorite character, followed by The Luggage, so those are usually my favorites. (BTW, it's me, PC from h2g2. I don't use my given name on blogs...)

Sho said...

*waves to PC* *waves to Jules*

The Luggage doesn't appear in enough books for me. I'm looking forward to the next books featuring The Watch, I rather liked them in... er, which one was it... Eric?

Anonymous said...

I went through a massive Pratchett kick last year. My faves were probably the city Watch series as I love the interplay between Vimes and Vetinari.

In some silly respects though the one I enjoyed most was "The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents" the Discworld book for kids!

Sho said...

It's amazing, with the Pratchett, how they suck you in. Whenever I finish one I think "oh I'll leave it a while before I get the next" and then WHOOPS! as if by magic I have the next one in my hand.

I'm going to try the childrens' ones later - I have the Carpet People and I've started it but I cast it aside as boring.

Anonymous said...

The carpet people is, for my money, the least interesting of his kids books. Maurice being the best, and the Bomliad trilogy is also fun!

Sho said...

That's good news then - because I really really couldn't get into the Carpet People. Although I may try it out on Gruesome #1 - she quite likes the idea of comic fantasy.