Thursday, 10 February 2011

Percy Jackson: the Last Olympian by Rick Riordan

As I started this I suddenly realised that I can't really remember much about the others that went before, beyond the basics.

But nevermind - I didn't expect them to grab me in the way, say, the Narnia books did because I've come to them as an adult (#2 of the Gruesome Twosome is currently reading number 4 and loves them and remembers every tiny detail)

The story jogs along, typically beginning with a bang and moving swiftly on from there.

I was expecting some kind of closure at the end, and I suppose that came but I was a little disappointed to find the smooth lead in to Riordan's next series.

I wonder if it really is how writers want to write these days, or if the lure of the (potentially) lucrative series that means that when I pick up a YA book these days the chances of it being part of a series of three or more is quite high. (although - I've read some really good quality YA over the last few years so I'm not really complaining...)

But you can't pick this one up if you haven't read those that go before.

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