Wednesday 2 March 2011

The Faber Book of Greek Legends ed. Kathleen Lines

I read a version of the Iliad and the Oddessy when I was about 10 and have been vaguely interested in Greek Myths since then. I actually bought this for the Gruesome Twosome but they appear not to be interested at all, even the one who is reading the Percy Jackson series - which is why I finally read this one.

What a bloodthirsty lot those Greek Gods were/are! This one doesn't have the story about the children being eaten by their dad (by mistake) but it does have a few other violent ones and a very short account of the siege of Troy.

All in all not bad, a nice quick bedtime read. But now I think I'll finally have to give my grown-up versions of the Iliad and the Oddessy a spin.


Bel said...

I got to know (or better, reminded of) a lot of Greek mythology while I was in Turkey. It is truly fascinating, especially if you find yourself in an area which was influenced by the beliefs.

Sho said...

Oh I'm so jealous, I'd love to visit those places.